Create better customer experience

We help organisation create better experiences by working across the customer journey and as deep as the business model.


How we do it

  • We do it together by placing value to people - your customers - at the centre of decision making.  

  • We do this because we believe that by exploring more you will arrive at better answers. 

  • And that the place to start is exploring the needs of people.  

We help you to understand what you have of value to offer people and how you might go about offering it in new and exciting ways. 



_Enhanced business models, brands, products and services

_Informed collaborative decision making and planning

_A structured focus for investment, efficiency and growth

_Strategies and tactics that are people-first


Why we do it

  • Exploring problems and opportunities from a customer experience (CX) perspective is business critical. 

  • It is also refreshing for founders, directors and teams. It brings ideas, clarity and focus into environments that can find themselves held back from progress by being contained and single-minded, or overly distracted.

All ThinkingCX activity is designed to help clients identify problems and growth opportunities and to help them to use creative thinking to improve individual and team approaches to creating better customer experiences. 

Whether your business is established or new, the goal is to create experiences that are more people-centred and therefore more likely to valued and to succeed.

Outcome strategies will be both creative and practical and support the creation of greater opportunity and growth.

Our relationships with visual communication and programming specialists can help you take quality next steps with confidence.


“Design in support of people.”

— Living with Complexity, Donald A. Norman, 2011

“Design Thinking is a system that uses the designer’s sensibility and methods to match people’s needs with what is technologically feasible and what a viable business can convert into consumer value and market opportunity.”

— Tim Brown, IDEO, 2008

“Innovation is rarely the big idea. More likely a series of small ideas brought together in a new and different way.”

— Dick Powell, Seymour Powell at D&T Futures, 2017

“The details are not the details. They make the product.”

— Charles & Ray Eames, 1961

“I guess I would say that interaction design is making technology fit people.”

— David Kelley, 2004, Designing Interactions, Bill Moggridge, 2007

“You are not looking for the wisdom of the crowd,
but the wisdom of someone in the crowd.”

— Where Great Ideas Come From, Steven Johnson, 2010